Springfields First School
Achieving Excellence Together
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Kingfishers Year 3/4- KS2

Welcome to Kingfishers class!

The class teachers are Mrs Brett and Mrs Scott. Our Teaching Assistant's are Mrs Whittingham and Mrs McKnight. 

  • Mrs Brett
  • Mrs Scott
  • Mrs Whittingham
  • Mrs McKnight


We teach through a topic-based curriculum with English and maths taught in daily lessons. During the week, we cover a range of subjects through fun, practical and interactive activities.

Key Stage 2 is full of fun and exciting learning opportunities and we begin with our topic about The Romans. Throughout our English, history, geography and art & design lessons we will explore who the Romans were, their way of life, their empire and many inventions. Later in the year we move onto the topic of Going Green where we will be learning about our world and how we can help to care for it. 

Year 3 is a year of growth, academically, socially and emotionally. We focus on developing key skills in reading, grammar, phonics, spelling and handwriting. Mathematical understanding develops through a wide range of topics such as number, shape, time and measures.

Children learn to be more independent and start to take more responsibility for looking after their equipment and belongings. They learn more about positive social interactions with their peers and how to make good choices in learning and play.

By the end of year 3, it is our aim to ensure all children are fully prepared for their transition into Year 4. 

In Year 4 the children get to enjoy new experiences and take on extra responsibilities around the school as we prepare them for the adventures ahead. We look to all the KS2 children to be super role models and set a great example to our younger pupils. The year 4’s look forward to a residential stay at Standon Bowers later in the year.